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Showing posts from September 26, 2017


This jobs could bank in six figures annually, but it requires hard-work, dedication and perseverance. There are a lot of job opportunities always available in this sector than in other sectors. It is expected that the job opportunities, earnings and benefits will grow rapidly according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.. Depending on your location and where you work the median wages are expected to be at this range:  NO 5: NURSE MIDWIVES AND NURSE PRACTITIONER.   Average salary is $100,000- $104,740. A Master's degree is required before certification as a Nurse Practitioner. NO 4: PODIATRIST. Average salary is $119,340- $120,000.  Doctoral or Professional degree is required from an accredited podiatric medical college. NO 3: PHARMACIST. Average salary is $120,000- $121,500. A Doctoral degree from an accredited school is required. NO 2: DENTIST:   Average salary is $155,000- $158,310. A Bachelor's degree is required before proceeding to the School of dentistry


After being criticized for not visiting the Island after they suffered a hurricane, President Trump had this to say about the island. "Texas and Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in trouble....... WOW, he is really something.


This has got to be the Kardashian baby year, the news is that another kardashian sister is pregnant, and it is Khloe. The Reality star is expecting a baby with her NBA star boyfriend Tristan Thompson. Sources claim she is four month pregnant. She has joined her older sister Kim who is also expecting a baby with a surrogate and Kylie who is also four months pregnant for her boyfriend Travis Scott. Kris must be super excited and over the moon right now.


    Beautiful morning to everyone, here are some tips on how to have a smooth and great day. Never start your morning on a negative energy, it will affect the rest of your day, if someone upset you when you wake up, just go to a quiet corner and sit. Take a deep breath, think of something that get your energy up, play your favorite song or take a quick 5 minutes walk to clear your head. When you go about your daily activities put a smile on your face, say hi to people in your work place, at school, wherever you plan on going. Compliment someone, ask them how they are doing, compliment on their looks, you will feel great exchanging the positive vibes. Avoid where there is tension. negative vibes, negative news and information, it will take you from 100% to 30%, try not to mix with people that carry rumors and negative news about other people. Stay around happy and positive people, their energy will help you stay on the right mood. "SMILE, BE HAPPY" "