The weekend is over and the Monday rush hour is here, i just want to share the tips on how i stay in shape and on track with my diet after 3 beautiful kids. The number one secret is never miss your breakfast, skipping breakfast can increase your appetite and make you overeat and also cause some health issues. I know with morning rush hour for school drop off or heading to the office or school, you might decide to miss breakfast. I can assure you that you can have your breakfast and still make it on time for meetings and school.
In the morning, during those rush hour moment i usually take some healthy nuts like Brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts, cashew or almonds with two glasses of water. I know some people are allergic to nuts, you can change that for egg, berries, Greek yogurt or oat meal with 2 glasses of water. You can have some healthy snacks like frozen grapes, sliced green apple, dried plum or fruit bar before lunch, they can provide energy and help control the appetite.

For lunch, i recommend vegetables and food low in carbohydrate and high in fiber and protein content, it can help meet the nutritional needs and still keep you on track. Spinach with sliced barbecue chicken, broccoli, lettuce and salmon, keel mixed vegetable salad, green beans with spinach can be a good meal.
After a busy day and i get home late, i usually either drink water with fruits or just go to sleep, this is the most crucial part of the diet plan, normally before its 6pm i would either have shrimp mixed with corn, peas, carrot and broccoli, broccoli mixed with spinach and salmon, green salad, keel vegetable salad and sliced chicken.
If you need help with any of this, we have free fruit, vegetables and salad every Monday.
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