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It is easy to get into a relationship but maintaining the perfect bliss, that’s the big deal. At the beginning it all looks relishing but as time passes, interests start diminishing.  We also need to realize that some relationships just aren’t meant to be and the best thing is to let go, but when it’s the right relationship you have to work with your partner to make the best out of it.
There are a lot of factors that affect relationships and also many ways to conquer them, but first let’s talk about the factors and we can go to the fixing aspect.
1. LACK OF TRUST: This is totally different from infidelity, if you cant vouch for your partner then it is bad.  Having difficulty trusting your partner is the no 1 killer in a relationship. If you don’t have trust, then you have nothing. If you always suspect your partner, then the relationship is never going to work.
2. STRESS: We are all stressed out some days, but we have to learn to manage and cope, I prefer you find the best way to vent it out with your partner together or apart.
 3. GRUDGES: its best to iron out the issues on ground rather than keep stocking the negative emotions and living in the past, that way you can really build a beautiful future together. Relationships are not always easy, even as soul mates you encounter difficulties and even infidelity but true love goes a long way in resolving this issues.
4. GAP IN COMMUNICATION: A gap in communication can really lead to a lot of problems. If your not talking to each other or enjoying each others company, you cant really have a fun. Make out time and talk about things, including mundane things. Even when your partner may try frustrating your efforts to reach out to him or her, don’t be discouraged keep talking, because the moment theres break in communication, its as good as over,
5. ALWAYS PICKING FIGHTS. Avoids fights whether little or big fight. They are awful, even when its not about something important, they can swiftly whittle away your relationship.
6. TALKING ABOUT EX: Your Ex shouldn’t have a place in your relationship, expect on friendly terms and your partner is aware and ok with it.
7. LACK OF COMMON INTEREST:  its important you and your partner have something in common or have similar hobbies, that way you can have something to do together.
8. CRITICISMS:  Avoid criticism and complaints in a way that is in context of a defect in your partner.
9. ALWAYS DEFENSIVE: Don’t get defensive when your wrong, apologize  and avoid conflict. If your always defensive it simply shows you careless about your partner’s feelings and shows irresponsibility. When you apologize it shows maturity, integrity and responsibility.
10. LACK OF COUTERSY: Be courteous in your relationship, always use the words thank you, sorry and please, it helps a lot in relationships.
11. CONTEMPT: irrespective of your background or class, when your in a relationship always complement each other and be a source of inspiration and strength to one another. Don’t try to bully or show off , it kills a relationship.
12. IMMATURITY: Avoid name calling even in a fight or argument and when problems arise handle it in a civilized manner. There are many ways to express your displeasure about an issue without name calling.
13. NEGLECTING YOUR APPEARANCE. its important to always look good at home or when going out, that way you always show different shades of you and he can't be tired of seeing you, cause he knows everyday comes with a new spice.
14. ALWAYS PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST. Don't always see yourself as first and right without considering your partner's view, feeling or point. Be considerate always. 


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